Wednesday, February 7, 2007

What's Our Purpose?

-During October (Pro-Life Month) we tie ribbons on one of every four car antennae's to represent the one in every four babies aborted every year.

- We sponser a movie on campus that relates to the death penalty, abortion or euthanasia.

- We sponser speakers during the year.

- We network with the Alpha Center in Sioux City

- We attend the Life Chain in Wayne every October and the Walk for Life in Lincoln in January. Banquets sponsered by the Alpha Center are also attended.

- We try to help the campus become more aware by putting out information on the facts and statisitics on the actual death rate of the U.S. and the World.

We meet every other Monday at 5:15 in the Cottonwood Room in the Upper Atrium to discuss recent news articles and events that relate to our group issues.

Anyone is WElCOME to come and see if their interested. There is no obligation to join.
All thoughts and opinions are welcome and if you just want to come and share some news, that's fine too!!!

Monday January 28th at 5:15 in the Cottonwood Room. We will be discussing the speaker and new developments.
- If you would life more information or need to contact us, visit our group on FACEBOOK, or contact our officers:
Mary Peter- President 369-1522
Melissa Wortman-V. President
Hailey Bruening- Treasurer
Angie Reisz- Secretary

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